Saturday, December 8, 2012

Tornado Proof House

An Erupting Stability: Tornado-Proof Suburb From 10 DESIGN (PHOTOS)

By Irina VinnitskayaClick here for the original article on ArchDaily.
Erupting Stability: Tornado Proof Suburb” is a project being developed by Ted Givens, AIA, of 10 Design in Hong Kong. He and his team are researching ways to apply kinetic design to architecture in order to provide safe options for shelter in climatically unsafe environments. The goal is to break free from static ways of building and create a method of using technology that learns from and responds to the environment in a dynamic way. ”Erupting Stability” assesses the forces of tornadoes and high velocity winds, specifically, by the way that he and his team are thinking about architecture opens up a range of possibilities for applications in any disaster scenario.
Courtesy of

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